Vancouver Naturopathy Article of the Month
What’s mindset got to do with it?
*Daily Doses for Change*
Article by Dr. Heidi Lescanec, ND
For me, the beginning of the year often feels like a fresh start and a time to reflect on my health/life and the ways I can feel better.
At this hot minute I’m noticing there is so much information out there about diet and exercise.
The reality is, if it was a lack of information that was preventing us from achieving our health goals, then we would all be feeling vibrant in our most perfectly functioning body-selves!
Truth be told, even if you could put into practice everything you read+ hear as the most “up- to- date” data on diet and exercise you may not do/feel any better.
The reality is this:
Optimal health is not only about eating nutritious foods and moving your body well enough. It’s about self-care on all levels, including your mind.
Because beliefs → influence thoughts → influence behaviours → influence results.
Here’s a good question to ask yourself:
Which statement do I believe to be more true:
“I’ll get better when I find the right diet, pill, or miracle workout or treatment.”
“I’ll get better when I make positive changes in my beliefs, daily habits, and lifestyle.”
There is no right or wrong answer—these are just different mindsets.
Most of us fall somewhere on a continuum rather than fully on one end or the other.
In psychology, these mindsets are called “external” vs. “internal” locus of control. It’s all about where we believe the responsibility falls.
Where do you think you land on the continuum?
Truth is if you believe the answer to you all that ails you is to be found outside of you, it can be hard to stay committed to your goals.
Mindset work is subtle and may seem less powerful than diet, exercise, or herbs.
But our mindset can influence the outcome of everything else we do.
There are some patterns I see in the people who get the best results working with me, and here are a few of them. They tend to:
- Sense all their symptoms are connected but need help figuring out how.
- Believe that it’s possible for the body to heal if they can identify + remove obstacles and bring in what it may be missing.
- Want to make positive changes but feel frustrated or overwhelmed by all the mixed and misinformation out there and long for a roadmap and an experienced guide to clear and outline a path to move forward.
There is no one miracle treatment but there is indeed some magic involved healing and real change and it is this: daily doses. Small things, done consistently are what add up to transformation and lasting results.
Just like
Building trust in a romantic relationship? It’s not one grand gesture that makes someone feel safe and loved.
Just like
Developing a strong core? It’s not just one work out or pilates class that makes abs of steel.
What leads to true health transformation is:
- changing lifestyle habits,
- adding in movement,
- connecting with your inner compass
- cultivating healthy boundaries. (with work, relationships, distractions).
- eating nutritiously for YOUR own system’s needs
- …and yes! some key support for improved functioning can be found in pill form such as herbs, vitamins, minerals supplements and pharmaceuticals. And even then, it is not typically one ”medicine”, taken one time and done.
It’s the daily dose.
Small things. Done frequently.
Add up to transformation.
If this resonates with you, check out my video below and book a consult to get your plan to move forward.
Dr. Heidi
Embracing A Growth Mindset
When you’re ready, here a few ways we can work together:
Virtual & Telemedicine Consults– Click Here To Book Online
In-person Care- Click Here to Book Online
How we spend our days is of course how we spend our lives.
-Annie Dillard
Broadway Wellness is a multi-disciplinary clinic serving Fairview, VGH, and Broadway Corridor neighbourhoods of Vancouver for almost 20 years. We are centred around a cohesive, experienced group of RMT’s offering quality and heart-centred approach to your healthcare.