Experience Network Chiropractic at Broadway Wellness
Network Spinal Analysis (also known as Network Chiropractic or NSA) is an area of chiropractic treatment that uses a gentler touch than the traditional spinal realignment methods most people associate with a chiropractic session. Some people prefer and look forward to regular traditional chiropractic adjustments, while many don’t like the idea (or the feeling) of being ‘cracked’ back in to alignment. NSA is for those who are seeking help but prefer a gentle approach. Your NSA practitioner won’t do anything dramatic – no cracking or popping… Just the concentrated touch and guidance of an experienced doctor of chiropractic helping you expose and release the painful imprints of accumulated trauma to your system; particularly your spine. Read more here about Network Spinal Analysis.
Broadway Wellness, conveniently located in Vancouver’s Fairview District near Broadway and Oak Street, is a friendly and community minded multi disciplinary health care clinic with a strong foundation in Massage Therapy, Naturopathic Medicine, and Chiropractic Care with Network Spinal Analysis.