Gut Microflora Connected to Obesity

In a recent  study researchers took gut bacteria from obese humans and from lean humans, and then introduced the bacteria into two groups of mice. The mice that received the “obese” gut bacteria became obese, whereas the mice that received bacteria from the lean humans remained lean. Furthermore, when they housed both the newly obese mice and the lean mice together, “lean” bacteria wound up being introduced (through feces) to the systems of the obese mice, which then reverted back to a leaner body composition. It is amazing that even as a microscopic component of our digestive, bacteria can initiate metabolic changes.

Further work needs to be done in the area to figure out how exactly these things are connected, but is there a potential “cure” for obesity through customized probiotics? Is it harder to regain a lean body composition because your gut flora is keeping you obese? We’ll stay tuned!

To read more about obesity and the trials that were done with mice click here, Does Gut Bacteria Affect Obesity?


Broadway Wellness is a  friendly and community focused integrated healthcare clinic helping people meet their healthcare needs through Registered Massage Therapy, Network Chiropractic Care, and Naturopathic Medicine.

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